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Celway White Celosia
Red Celosia
Sunday Wine Red Celosia
King Size Apricot China Aster
Lady Coral Lavender China Aster
Tower Yellow
Tower Violet
Tower Blue
Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy
Rudbeckia Orange Fudge
Rudbeckia Caramel Mixed
Rudbeckia Sahara
Rudbeckia Cherokee Sunset Mix
Scabiosa Fama White
Scabiosa Fama Deep Blue
Scabiosa Snowmaiden
Scabiosa Merlot Red
Scabiosa Black Knight
Scabiosa Salmon Rose
Mahogany Splendor Hibiscus
Bunny tail
Honey Wart Kiwi Blue
Audray White Gomphrena
Qis Orange Gomphrena
Craspedia Sun Ball
Victoria Blue Salvia
Chocolate Daisy Flower
Cup and Saucer Vine Alba
Cup and Saucer Vine Cathedral Bells
Thai Double Blue Butterfly Pea
Proven Winners - https://www.provenwinners.com/
Espoma Organic - https://www.espoma.com/
Hartley Botanic - https://hartley-botanic.com/
FELCO - https://www.felco.com/ 10% off: TOOLS4GA
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Garden Answer
580 S Oregon St
Ontario, Oregon 97914